Sunday, February 15, 2009

There's Nothing Like Seemingly Dead People Busting out of Ice to Get Your Attention...

Therefore, I thought I'd share a trailer that Bantam Spectra posted for their upcoming book, Blood and Ice, by Robert Masello. I'm not usually a Sci-Fi fan, but what I read gave me some serious chills, which had nothing to do with the book's Arctic setting.

Brief synopsis:

Michael is a listless, depressed writer whose girlfriend has just been involved in a terrible accident (which he blames himself for) and has landed in a coma. One day, his boss hands him an assignment that involves a trip to the cold, far reaches of Antarctica with a team of researchers. While scuba diving in the arctic waters one day (brrrr!), he sees a woman staring right at him--who just happens to be entombed in a block of ice.

After bringing the block of ice, complete with its human cargo, to a lab to be studied, the team discovers that there is not one but two people in the ice! Of course, several questions might arise in your head:

-Why is there a block of ice with two people inside of it?
-Who in the world are/were these people?
-Why, after leaving the lab for a little while, do they discover the block of ice to be melted and for its human cargo to be missing?

This, my friends, is perhaps the biggest question of all, and you'll have to read the book to find out...


Blood and Ice Trailer from Bantam Dell on Vimeo.

Another Blast from the PAST!!

Okay, I must admit--though it's been three weeks since I last wrote, my 80's kick is still here!! I really had no plans to write tonight, but after listening to my Atlantic Starr station on Pandora the other day, I heard the song "You Got it All Over Him" by the Jets! Oh man, I haven't heard this one in years.

And get this! The lead singer, Elizabeth Wolfgramm, was only 12-years-old when she sang this for the first time!! You could never tell from looking at the video because they really caked on the the makeup. Good thing it didn't inhibit her voice, though. :)


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wow, I am on a major '80's kick right now. Now quite sure what inspired it, but it's bringing on some major nostalgia!

Remember that song "Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield? That song is special to me because I heard it for the first time at an academic camp the summer after my junior year of high school. My roommate, Anthea, who was a major '80's lover (I'm talkin' extreme), started blaring this song through her speakers. I thought it was all kinds of awesome, as did everyone on our floor, and we started an impromptu dance party in our room! Our RA, who just happened to be name Jessie, joined right in. At the end of the camp, we all got shirts that said Jessie's Girl, in honor of our RA and the song.

I still have that shirt.

Right now, I'm going crazy over Hall and Oates. I hadn't even heard of the group until I popped by Border's today and heard "I Can't Go For That". Of course, I didn't know who the artist was at the time, but I caught nyself humming it over and over and had to look up the lyrics. To my surprise, it was by a group I'd never heard of before. Not that I know every group, lol, but that's a pretty famous song! I thought that I would at least have had a clue!

That's not the only cool song they've done, though! I discovered that they also sang "Sara Smile", "Kiss On My List", "Private Eyes", and "One on One"! Here are my favorites, links courtesy of Youtube:

So good, right?!!!!!!

Feel free to let me know some of your favorite '80's groups!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a day, what a night, and what a gown. Michelle Obama did not disappoint. The gown, the designer of which was kept a secret until today, was designed by Jason Wu. Though he went to Parsons, interned with Narciso Rodriguez, and won the Fashion Group International's Rising Star award in 2008, he was relatively unknown until Michelle Obama wore his dress while being interviewed by Barbara Walters. Of course, her wearing his gown to the Inaugural Ball didn't hurt his reputation either!

Though the numerous fashion editors and designers may have been be a tad upset that she did not choose to don their creations, I'm sure that most respected her choice. The lovely color offset her skin beautifully, and the kisses that she shared with her husband during the balls added just enough of a blush to her skin to complement her even more. ;)

The virginal color of the gown is also appropriate because of the new beginning it represents. Don't you just feel inspired? A new year, a new president, and a new perception of our country (hopefully, because it's a little tattered right now)!

I know that this year inspired me to try a few new things. I just joined a band, which is something I've been dying to do since I moved to NYC six months ago. See, I play the flute, piano, and the piccolo, and if I don't have an outlet to play them in, I go slightly crazy. Luckily, that problem has been solved!

I also just bought a book on jewelry design, and I am busily working on my first creation. But do you know what? The newest thing about me is my attitude. Something about NYC makes me feel like it's completely possible for me to do anything and to meet people who have the same attitude. Just walking down the street and seeing people's homeade creations and the heart and verve that they must have to think that they can make it causes me to smile. I've always had that kind of attitude, thank to my amazing parents, but there's something in the air here that makes it go into overdrive!

Probably the best spectacle to see is the street performers. From musicians puffing air through their instruments on a freezing and noisy subway platform to a person dressed as a ballerina on a music box (complete with twirling), it's hard to forget that everyone is trying to make their way. Of course, not all of them, like me, will succeed at everything they do--

but at least they tried.

And that, my friends, is the real reason that I love Michelle Obama's dress. Not only does it make me think of new beginnings, but it also tells quite the story of success.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Alright, move aside Obama! Attention, billions of celebrities who are attending the Inauguration! Because today, ladies and gents, marks my very first post on my very first blog!

Okay, obviously, I'm kidding.

But, folks, I am seriously excited about this. For the past couple of years, I've had a growing number of friends who have gone digital and have sung the praises of their own blogs. I, listening but not too closely, to their sing-song voices in my ear, smiled and was excited for them. But a blog for me? Never.

That all changed last week when I accompanied a friend to this incredible digital workshop that had not one, not two, but four panelists (one is the former ed-in-chief of Black Enterprise and is now over all of their online content) who made this wonderful web-centric world sound fascinating to a print dinosaur like me.

So, I have finally taken the plunge and checked this stuff out. Rah rah rah!

Now, let's get to the fun stuff.

Since this is my first blog, I'd like to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about what you can expect from this blog.

1. I'm Eliza, and don't let the picture fool you. I promise, I'm not snooty or stuck- up, but I just happen to really like the flower on the vest that I'm wearing in the photo. :)

2. This blog is going to incorporate a lot of elements. I loooove fashion, so there will be plenty of that. I also enjoy art, books, and science, so that will be there as well. BUT, most importantly, I live in one of the best cities in the world (NYC), so that will be the lustrous thread that weaves all of these elements together.

3. Expect the unexpected. This blog is about fun, inspiration, and a place to express myself. Since I don't totally know what to expect from myself in the near future, the above is subject to change.

Okay, that about sums it up. Hope you enjoy, and never hesitate to let me know what you think!!!!